Life Transformation

The activity of life coaching has been expanding tremendously the last years, following the economic evolution of a global world. The new reality of constant stress has lead people to face relocations, fusions, burn out syndromes, life crisis, strained relationships or failed strategies. They are experiencing unexpected situations that sometimes look desperately unsolvable. Wether the social background fails to be supportive or the private sphere fails to provide balance, men and women feel the need of direction and purpose in order to get out of a trapped felt space.


In this way, psychology or mental coaching is in my experience NOT going to help.

That is where Integral Life Coaching is a tool with practical solutions, immediate implementations and methodology.


Using a set of revealing cards as a map, the client can see, understand and agree on every step of the decisions taken or proposed. He will be using written language and clear insights to honor his life and make the positive changes that will put him back on track. Everything will be communicated in a clear and logical way so that every question will be answered. A set of 5 sessions is a promise for a transformational journey into one’s greatness and life purpose.


Integral Life Tarot Coaching is including all realms of existence, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual together in order to act out solutions aiming at a conscious lifestyle practice.


Who benefits from the sessions?


-individual clients in life crisis regarding job, relationship, burn out syndrome, inner search, life orientation, profession, transformation, social instability, financial stress, health issues...


-business leaders looking for team building, business partners, strategic orientation, organization clarity, projects implementation, natural leadership training, crisis management tools, reevaluation ...


-life partners/couples/friends having to deal with the burning following questions:

  • what kind of relationship do i/we want?
  • what do i/we expect?
  • what is possible?
  • what is the focus?
  • how to communicate?
  • how to find a life partner? 


Ultimately, every human has to experience emotions such as anger, sadness, frustration, depression, feeling abandoned, lonely or out of place.


Integral Life Coaching sessions will address the root causes of these emotions as chances to open doors for a new start in life. The same energy can be transformed into a positive self evaluation for new realms of life experience.


The main questions at the end remain the following ones:

  • what are my strengths?
  • what are my weaknesses?
  • what is my psychological and emotional profile?
  • what are my tendencies?
  • what are my realizations/capacities?
  • what do i really desire?
  • what is my life purpose?


You will learn and practice how to turn on the plus button in life and tap into the infinite reservoir of your own life potential to achieve success and maximize your personal and collective realizations.


Your Life will become your own creation and art piece in a self perpetuating wheel of positive and real increments.

It is not dreams, it is realizing them.


Integral Life Coaching sessions are always considering the global picture of what is and are activating the potential creative self in order to match visions and life, desires and experiences, projects and purpose.


Individual sessions of 60 min or 90 min

set of 5 sessions on a 5 weeks period is warmly recommended

for international sessions, skype can be an option.





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